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Activated Oxygen

Solving the Oxygen Paradox

Activated Oxygen: Welcome

Oxygen is a double-edged sword. On one hand, our cells thrive when they get the oxygen they need to freely synthesize ATP, which is the nearly universal “molecular currency” of cellular energy exchange.  When your cells have an ample supply of ATP, your tissues heal and regenerate faster, metabolic pathways work better, your nervous system stays attuned and your immune responses become more focused and effective.


On the other hand oxygen is also enormously reactive.  Cell damage is induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as the hydroxyl radical, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and peroxynitrite.  These ROS are a type of free radical, which in simple terms is a molecule with “unpaired” electrons.  They’re kind of like exhaust from your car. As oxygen travels through your blood stream, it’s picked up by your cells and converted into energy. Like the carbon monoxide that comes out of your tail pipe, excessive free radicals are an unfortunate by-product. Because unpaired electrons naturally look for mates — they actually stealelectrons from other atoms and alter the molecules two which they react. When free radicals (includingROS) alter polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane lipids, proteins, and DNA, you damage not just our cells but even the DNA in your mitochondria.


Radical cell and DNA damage can cause or contribute to a wide range of common health problems like:


  • Heart Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Asthma

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Emphysema

  • Alzheimer’s

  • Macular Degeneration

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Cancer

  • Aging


Under normal conditions, free radicals (ROS) are cleared from the cell by enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, or glutathione peroxidase), neutralized by nutrient antioxidants, or by recombining with each other. Oxidative stress develops as a result of one of three factors: 1) an increase in oxidation, 2) a decrease in antioxidant protection, or 3) a failure to repair oxidative damage. The quest is to find that delicate balance between free radical activity and optimum antioxidant therapy – thus achieving homeostasis.


Hence, the “Oxygen Paradox.” How can we increase oxygenation – the positive cellular utilization of oxygen needed for optimal function and healing – without simultaneously increasing oxidative stress – the negative, reactive effects of free radical damage and other consequences of weakened antioxidant systems?


Introducing Activated Air – “Oxygenation without Oxidation”


The solution to the oxygen paradox is called Activated Air. Activated Air uses only the oxygen present in the air we already breathe. Instead of giving the body more oxygen, Activated Air energetically reorganizes existing oxygen to make it significantly more bioavailable.  In fact, Activated Air mimics photosynthesis, in which ordinary oxygen is pumped into a higher energy state through the sunlight and organic catalysts.


The air that we breathe every day consists of what scientists call “triplet oxygen.” It’s the most stable form of oxygen with no particular energetic charge. But by activating that oxygen, we can greatly improve its energizing and health restoring potential.


In nature, energy from our sun activates chlorophyll in plant leaves that transforms the oxygen produced by a plant to a higher-energy status.  Nature actually rearranges the electrons in the oxygen molecule to create “singlet oxygen.”  This energetically charged air boosts your body’s ability to use oxygen, drastically increasing your cellular energy and optimizing your cell metabolism. More importantly, your optimized cell metabolism actually absorbs and captures dangerous free radicals.


Airnergy uses German technology to alter oxygen at the atomic level and give it “that little electrical charge set up by the sunshine.” The technology imitates the natural process by which sunshine and chlorophyll produce energy-maximizing, free radical-fighting activated air.  A Swedish device uses the same principles.


The Clinical Benefits of Activated Air


With treatments as short as 20 minutes a few times each week, users report a wide variety of benefits. InEurope, burn clinics report 1/3 faster healing of serious burn trauma. Surgeons report dramatically faster recovery from surgery. On another front, athletes claim that Activated Air not only makes them better performers but also improves their reaction times and perceptual acuity. In fact, top-level race car drivers have adopted Activated Air as an important component of their fitness regimes.


How do we know if Activated Air actually works?

First of all, Activated Air makes you feel better. In addition, European and Swedish scientists have put Activated Air devices through a number of biological measures to show that it has a measurable effect. Some of these measures include heart rate variability (which reveals the health of the autonomic nervous system), basal metabolic rate (which shows the body’s energy expenditure), blood oxygen levels, resting heart rate, unused, exhaled oxygen and lactate production in athletes.


Results from studies using athletes that train with Activated Oxygen:


  • A minimum of 8% more energy generation

  • An average of 10% reduction in unused exhaled oxygen

  • A 10% reduction in resting heart rate

  • A minimum of 7% less lactate production


Another test of the biological consequence of Activated Air used an extremely accurate device called theSpectraLite, which uses surface scanning electromyography (ssEMG) to measure the physical energy levels of the body’s regulatory functions. By comparing the values measured before and after an Activated Air session, the body’s response to therapy was dramatic.  The relationship between the organs changed and the average organ energies improved.  This corresponds to a “vastly improved sympathetic/parasympathetic autonomic balance.”


Are there any dangers in breathing Activated Air or in using the device?
None. Activated Air is completely natural and is just as safe as the air you breathe every day. In fact, Activated Air can not interact with any medications or other treatments.


Has Airnergy been cleared by the FDA?     

Activated Air devices are considered air filtration units and thus do not require FDA clearance.  The Airnergy Plus Unit reportedly has received clearance from the FDA.

Activated Oxygen: Welcome

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