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Leptin and Amylose

Leptin and Amylose: Welcome

Leptin Resistance Syndrome:  high leptin in the circulation, low leptin levels in the brain, and leptin resistance in the pancreas causing metabolic syndrome.  Excess cortisol combined with high circulating leptin promotes abdominal fat deposition and fatigue. Leptin resistance also reduces Growth Hormone production that is associated with abdominal fat deposition.


Anorexia: low brain and circulating levels of leptin, excess cortisol.  Low leptin is associated with depression, fibromyalgia, bone loss, impaired immunity and liver inflammation.


Six Rules to manage excess leptin have been proposed.


  1. Never eat after dinner.  Do not go to bed on a full stomach

  2. Eat three meals a day.  Do not snack in between meals.

  3. Do not eat large meals.  Eat slowly to help you feel full.

  4. Eat a high protein breakfast.

  5. Reduce carbohydrate intake. A high sugar meal will increase leptin secretion 5x over normal.  An occasional treat will set back your fat-burning state for 2-3 days.



  • MSG.This neurotoxin has been shown to reduce MSH production

  • Skipping meals. Starvation response burns protein.

  • Glucose-may be disguised as dextrose and sucrose

  • Amylose containing foods

  • Bananas

  • All foods which grow beneath ground such as potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, etc. (Onions and garlic are OK)

  • Cereal grains are the biggest problem goods (wheat, rice, oats, barley, and rye).Corn has a natural inhibitor of amylase and thus is OK. Beware that some corn chips have sugar in spicy coating.

  • Corn syrup, maltodextrin (hidden sugars)

  • Chocolate

  • Fast foods

  • Soft drinks

  • Fruit juices, unless you squeeze your own


OK in terms of amylose. Terrible in terms of healthfulness.

o Diet soft drinks:

o Caffeine drinks (coffee/tea): OK

o Lactose (milk) and fructose (fruit): OK

o Artificial sweeteners: OK


Be Careful with:

  • cheeses and yogurt: fat counts

  • Spices and condiments: OK

  • Popcorn and baked corn chips OK, tortilla chips always safe


Don’t forget:

  • Adequate protein. 6-8 oz. Final cooked weight.

  • Learn the differences in carbohydrates

  • moderation in eating includes eating good food, prepared well, presented pleasingly and eaten with gusto, not gluttony.



  • Carnosine – reduce the effects of excess adrenaline on the kidneys and leptin resistance.

  • Calcium – down regulates agouti, which amplifies the production of leptin and blocks the hypothalamic response to leptin.Agouti and NPY causes food craving and eating.  Excess agouti is directly relation to the accumulation of excess abdominal fat.  Calcium AEP or coral calcium recommended.

  • Vitamin D – a powerful inhibitor of leptin secretion from white adipose tissue and assists in raising blood calcium levels.

  • Serotonin – depresses NPY, which is the key hunger signal in the brain.Thus serotonin indirectly promotes satiety.  NPY is inversely related to leptin levels in the brain.

  • Melatonin – decreases ghrelin levels, which is produced by the stomach and transiently stimulates hunger.NPY and Agouti stimulate the production of ghrelin.  High fat diets increase leptin, which depress ghrelin.  In turn ghrelin increases NPY, the brain’s main hunger signal.  Grhelin also stimulates GH release.

  • Co Q 10 –enables the UCP3 system, which enables cells to dispose of excess saturated fat.

  • Omega-3 PUFA – reduce the output of TNF-a and IL-6 from fat cells.In highly inflammatory states such as with arthritis, can reduce TNF-a by up to 90%.  Also proven to reduce insulin resistance.

  • CLA – shifts away from body fat storage, enhances protein synthesis, reduces cancer, atherosclerosis, prevent diabetes, reduces body fat, improves GH function, reduces leptin production by up to 42%, and TNF-a and COX-2.

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine – taken at bedtime, ALC stimulates the production of GH during sleep.Reduces leptin resistance in the brain, improves cognitive function, mod, depression, stress response/tolerance, and normalize glucose utilization in the brain.

  • Pantethine – transports fats into metabolic action and breakdown of stored fat.600-900mg/day lowers LDL and triglycerides, raises HDL, and reduces blood stickiness.  Reduces fatty liver and visceral fat deposits.


Hormone Imbalance Triad:

  1. Leptin Resistance

  2. Insulin Resistance: insulin stimulates fat cells to make TNF-a

  3. Adrenaline Resistance


Promoted/associated with TNF-a and IL-6, which reduces GI motility


Platelet adhesion increases via leptin receptors


Inflammation binds to GH receptors and turns them off.  IL-6 reduces GH receptor function in the liver in half.

Leptin and Amylose: Welcome

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