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Castor Oil Pack Detoxification

Castor Oil Pack Detoxification: Welcome

Background: The castor bean (Oleum ricini), also known as Palma Christi due to its shape and healing properties, is known principally as a cathartic (strong laxative). As a pack placed over the abdomen, usually with heat applied, the oil is absorbed into the lymphatic circulation to provide a soothing, cleansing and nutritive treatment.


Use: The castor oil pack is specific for non-cancerous uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Other conditions which reportedly respond well include: headaches, liver disorders, constipation, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, conditions with poor elimination, night time urinary frequency and inflamed joints. It is not to be used with pregnancy, bleeding or during menstruation.


Materials Needed: Organic Castor oil, a sheet of plastic (a garbage bag is OK), 36″ X 18″ piece cotton or flannel, heating pad or hot water bottle, pillows, and baking soda.



  1. Fold flannel into 3 layers to fit over your entire abdomen.

  2. Soak flannel with the castor oil. Fold flannel in half and strip excess oil from pack.

  3. Heat the entire pack in a microwave for 1-1½ minutes.

  4. Lie on your back with your feet elevated (use of a pillow under your knees and feet works well), placing oil-soaked flannel over abdomen, cover with a small sheet of plastic and then an old towel. Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top.

  5. Leave pack on for 45-60 minutes. Practice relaxation breathing by placing one hand on your diaphragm and the other hand on your lower abdomen. As you breathe in, force your lower abdomen to swell like a balloon. With each breath out, practice relaxing your jaw and shoulders. As you practice more, relax all muscles in your body. You may even fall asleep and wear the pack all night.

  6. To remove the oil, wash with a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1-quart water orBioKleen Citrus Soap.

  7. Store the Castor pack in the refrigerator in a large zip-lock bag. Add more oil only as needed to keep the pack saturated. Replace the pack after it begins to change color.

  8. For maximum effectiveness, apply the pack as often as possible – at least 4 consecutive days per week for at least 4 – 6 weeks. Daily use provides the most beneficial effects.


ALTERNATIVE METHOD: Apply the castor oil directly to your abdomen without the flannel pack. A sheet of plastic covers the oil soaked skin, with a towel on top. A heating pad or hot water bottle is applied. This is often applied for the entire night and in the morning the castor oil will be totally absorbed through the skin. Use old sheets as the castor oil permanently stains.

Castor Oil Pack Detoxification: Welcome

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