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Metabolic Tests

Metabolic Tests: Welcome

Some people have an excellent diet and still have bad body chemistry. What this means is that the machinery of the body is not up to par. Some of your most important machinery is the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. The following tests help Dr. Kaslow determine the status of your body chemistry and machinery.




Functional Metabolic Analysis is an organized approach of identifying certain metabolic tendencies of your body. The analysis includes positional blood pressure and pulse reactions, respiratory rate and breath-holding capacity, simple saliva and urine testing, and an assessment of your autonomic nervous system tone. Although blood testing can help confirm the findings of functional metabolic analysis, it is not necessary or included. The results may help explain almost any condition related to metabolism including high and low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, hypoglycemia, fatigue, pain, weight gain, migraines, mood swings, etc. The list is actually endless.


In order to ensure accurate results, please adhere to the rules of preparation. It may take several analyses to determine your underlying condition since you are in a dynamic state and subjected to a variety of external influences.


Avoid all un-necessary prescription and over-the-counter medications for three days prior to the testing. Ask!


Avoid all medications and nutritional supplements for 12 hours prior to testing.


Avoid coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate for 12-24 hours before testing. Avoid carbonated beverages for 12 hours prior to testing.


Avoid candy, cough drops, breath fresheners, hot liquids, tobacco, etc. for 1 hour prior to testing.


You will be asked to give a urine specimen so please do not empty your bladder before the testing.


You do not need to be fasting nor does the testing need to be done at a specific time of day.


The testing takes about 10 minutes and does not include a consultation or visit with Dr. Kaslow during the same visit unless pre-arranged.




The ACG has been in use for several decades as a powerful tool to identify the nutritional status of your heart, nervous system, muscle metabolism, fatty acids, B- vitamins, calcium, minerals, etc. The ACG is very sensitive to the effects of medications and supplements – please be sure you follow the recommended preparation.


Stop all supplements (Dr. Kaslow may choose a few to continue) for 24 hours prior to testing.


Wear a thin shirt with buttons in the front to allow the heart tones to penetrate easily.


An EKG and rhythm strip are usually done at the same time to correlate electrical activity with the ACG.


The visit lasts about 10 minutes and does not include a consultation or visit with Dr. Kaslow.




This is a simple measurement of your forearms and calves at specific locations. Page measurements may provide some insight into the type of hormonal and metabolic tendencies you may express if put under stress. It is not a diagnostic test but rather another piece of information Dr. Kaslow may use to help bring your body into balance. The measurements are fairly constant throughout adulthood but can be affected by water retention, arthritis, etc. For this reason, several Page measurements may be taken before Dr. Kaslow can even comment on their value (if any). Since the measurement extends from the right ankle to the right knee and from the right wrist to the right elbow, please wear loose clothing that can be pulled up past these joints. Let us know the day of the measurement if you think you are retaining water…



Metabolic Tests: Welcome

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